Friday, October 8, 2010

Maci's First Trip to the Zoo

"Little Bear"
We took advantage of the great weather and headed to the zoo yesterday. It was nice because it was not busy or hot and I had extra hands to help with Maci and Levi. It took about an hour to get everyone and everything coordinated and out the door. We took the wagon and stroller for the kids and met Grandma R Allison, Kris, Katelyn and Alexa. Levi was disappointed that Mighty Mike, the alligator moved back to Florida and was also scared of the bear who was pounding on his door for food. He talked about that for hours. Maci did well and we took a break to feed the kids their snacks and her bottle and were on our way. What a difference than a baby..I do not think I went out till he was 3 months even though it is a lot of work it is definitely worth it to me to be out of the house for a while and to enjoy the day!

 "Crazy Monkey"

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