Thursday, September 23, 2010

Maci is One Month Old and Levi's Latest

Starting to SMILE
This week Maci is already a month old. What a crazy month it has been. Life has gotten busier that is for sure. Maci is a good baby who is doing great on regular formula and sleeping a good intervals. The last couple of days she has taken some shorter naps in the morning and longer 2-3 hour naps after feeding in the afternoon. She had her month check up and weighs 9lbs 15oz and is 22 inches long. She is in the 75th percent for weight and 90th for height. She is awake more so that gives us more time to see how much she has even changed in the last month..she is even starting to smile! Levi loves her so much and at times too we have gotten more stern with how he can interact with her. Levi has been doing very well with playing independently at least for awhile. He loves playing "farm" with his barn and all his animals. He also has been into all the different trucks..dumpers, dozers, diggers..I am getting better at identifying all these things. The other Saturday he went to the "tienda" aka Ace Hardware to buy his own truck with trailer..he was so proud that he used the money from his own piggy bank. He loves loading up his trucks, trailers, and tractors with "loads" as he calls them. I give him raisins, fruit snacks, cheerios, chocolate chips and he loads up his trucks and takes it to the farm so that the animals can eat. He gets such a kick out of this and it really keeps him busy..moving his "loads" around. The past couple of nights at dinner he has been smearing his food all my mom said..he is 2 so this is normal..but messy. I decided the other morning to let him paint with "edible" finger paints and pudding..he had a good time helping me make the paint and then getting dirty. If ever I need to spend some time with Maci we get out the coloring books, and playdough..these are Levi's favorite things these days.

Levi's First Purchase..with a BIG "Load"

Playing "FARM"

1 comment:

Steve and Allison Alles said...

Maci is one month already! She is so cute. I like Levi's load.