Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Levi....One Year Old

Today is Levi's one year birthday.. Yeah! We celebrated with both sides of the family this past Saturday. It was a fun party. Levi loved his cake including the candle with the flame on top.:) He is a very loved little boy. He was a little shy and cautious opening his presents but is enjoying playing with all of them. He is currently talking all the time and saying mama, dada, uhoh, no no, whats that, uoff uoff (for doggie)and num num. He is a pretty fast crawler but no walking yet. He moves along furniture and can take a couple of small steps on his own. He loves holding Ryan and I's hands as he parades us around the room. He loves playing with anything that is not his toy...paper plates and tupperware are his favortite this week. He also has been really helpful in empty the dishwasher and the folded laundry. He is getting two more teeth on the bottom so that is four on top and four on the bottom...what a funny grin.:)


The Schaab Family said...

Happy Birthday Levi!!! Can't believe you are 1 years old already. Such a cute boy you have Erin!!!!

The Phillips said...

AW!! I can't believe he is one already. He is sooo cute! Happy Birthday Levi!