Friday, May 15, 2009


I have been having alot of fun experimenting with my new Mothers Day gift. It is a Nikon Camera a digital SlR..the D40. I have been wanting and researching this camera for awhile so I worked more and saved more( as Ryan would say) and we bought it last weekend. I still have a lot to learn about the camera and settings but it each time I use it seems to take great pictures. Hopefully, I can take a class sometime to learn more about the features. Levi is 11 months old now. Lately, he has been pointing and "talking" he can say mama, dada, woof..woof. He is standing up by himself for a few seconds but seems to think crawling is the easier way to move these days. He is also working on tooth number 6...and that has not been the easiest for him. We changed him over to Vitamin D milk without a problem. We were a little worried with his issues with lactose intolerance before but he is doing great and using both sippy cup and bottles to won't be long and I will be packing away those bottles...:)He still loves to cuddle and be held but I do not mind that.Next month our baby will be one! So hard to believe that 1 year has gone by.

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