Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Rosco Pictures from Spring and First Birthday

Rosco is sure a pain lately. Biting a lot of trim and throwing up but for some reason we still love him to pieces. He loves to ride in the car and is not so sure of walks. He went to a lot of soccer and tee ball games. He has been doing better at the groomer, not biting or growling as much so that is good. We were almost going to be kicked out if that did not improve! He and Levi share the same birthday so he turned one on June 2.

Chow Hound had an event to make puppy cookies for your dog. Free and we gave the cookies to Rosco on his birthday.

I could not find Rosco's collar one afternoon and Caleb was goofing around before his nap. Can you see where Rosco's collar is?

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