Friday, August 28, 2015

Caleb One Year Old July 17, 2015

We celebrated Caleb's birthday up at the cabin at Crystal Mountain. He is a momma's boy and loves to be held. He is getting faster at crawling and will scream till he gets what he wants. He  wants to keep up with all the older kids. He sleeps through the night and it is hit or miss if he will take one nap or two. He still loves his bottle and we are having a hard time getting him to take his milk out of any other cup. He is stubborn! He loves dogs and his doggie blanket. He can says uff uff for doggie, mama and dada, and all done. He did not like the attention and cried most of the whole five minutes we were trying to get him to enjoy his moment of his first birthday.  All his older siblings love Caleb and will help with watching him and playing with him. Caleb wakes up in the morning looking for his "friends".

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