Thursday, May 14, 2015

Caleb 10 months

We had an interesting 9-10th month with Caleb. He is getting alot of front teeth...all four on top and the bottom side two are also coming in. So a little fussier and clingy to moma and dad . He had a fall out of the highchair the other day at lunch and landed right on his face. He was very bloody and upset. He didnt lose consciousness so I was so thankful for that. He has a very strong forehead and again thankful for how God designed the baby's head! He also was in the bathtub the other night with Maci and I was washing her hair and Caleb reached for a toy and slipped and tipped under water in a second. He coughed up some water and then burped and recovered. Maci was scared but things can happen in a matter of seconds for sure. Caleb is trying to reach really far but doesnt seem like he wants to move from sitting to crawl all. He is very vocal the past month..pointing at every picture in the house at Dada...and every person is dada. He loves his dada! He gets jumpy when Ryan comes home. Caleb also does the backward wave bye, bye and can say "all done" when he is done eating.

Mother's Day with Grandma R

outside on deck..getting splashed with water from Luke
Mario costume from garage sale.

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