Thursday, April 16, 2015

Caleb 9 months

He keeps growing! Time is going to fast. Caleb is still not mobile but he makes up for that in his loud voice.  He gets to have crawling practice with Ryan most afternoons when Ryan gets home from school. Caleb does not like laying on his stomach...he hates it. He gets mad but Ryan makes him reach for his toys. Caleb is beginning to interact and notice who is around him. He  gets so excited when he wakes up and greets the kids with flapping his arms, smiling, and babbling. He babbles mamma, and dadaa. Maci thinks he says hi to her in the morning. Now that it's warmer we go out and see Levi get on and off the bus. Caleb can wave bye bye and can do so big. He likes remotes and his exersaucer. He eats all meals with us..really does not care for baby food any more he would rather have what we are eating. He is such a happy boy. The other day we were able to go to the park for the first time and ride the swings. He loved it! Caleb finally got his first upper tooth.

Tired out of crawling.

Waiting for Levi to get off the bus, with his snack.

Looking like more red hair shinning through!

Doing puzzles

Looks serious, Looks like Maci here I think.

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