Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Levi's First Day of Stage 5's- September 4, 2013

Levi did great his first day of school. He was up early and ready and waiting for the bus with his backpack on hours before it came. He was a little scared of the bus but I helped him on and Maci and I waved goodbye. A few tears shed by him and mom. The second week has gone a lot smoother and he is already more confident of getting on and off the bus. We had a practice day  at his school where I went with him and we through the whole routine of the day and parents got to hear the details of the class and ask any questions. Levi seemed a lot less anxious after this day but was told by the teacher that Mom is not going to be here the first day so he needed to get in line and find his locker himself. He look at me like...what? you aren't going to be here? We have a hard time getting much out of him after the school day but most days he says he has fun and always tells us of a new friend made.
 Got him on. Would not wave or look up at me or Maci

Practice Day. Learning Bus Safety and then a Bus Ride with Mom

 Practice Day Finding Seat and Name Tag

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