Monday, October 8, 2012

Luke Is 4 months Old

Luke is getting so big! Lately he has been drooling alot so the bibs are on daily to keep the wet off and he loves putting his hands in his mouth. He also has been smiling and laughing. Levi and Maci are both really good at getting him to let out a laugh. Luke is finding his voice and has been "talking" and also screeching. He can be loud and Levi and Maci love that he is starting to interact with them more. Luke loves his bottles and has been taking so much formula 6-8 oz at a time. I did try some rice cereal the other day to see if that would fill him up but he did not seem to thrilled about it. Luke's 4 month appointment is not till later this month and I would be interested to see what he weighs. Ryan thinks close to 17 lbs. He can't really fit into the 3 month outfits so we will see. Luke loves being in on the action and would rather be sitting up looking around then laying down. He is getting more used to the Bumbo chair and will try to grasp toys on the tray. He is very easy to make smile. He is not very good at naps these days and will not take a pacifier. We are working on falling sleep with out a bottle but that is hard to do, especially when he eats every 2 hours during the day!

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