Thursday, October 27, 2011

Levi Goes to the Dentist

Today was a "brave" day for Levi. He has been using that word alot lately and said he was brave today when he went to the dentist for the first time. We have been preparing him for awhile now about going there by reading books and talking about it. He was scared at first but like going in the rocketship chair, wearing the sunglasses when the bright light came on, and meeting Oliver with his big teeth and toothbrush. He opend his mouth like an alligator and got all this teeth counted. He choose chocolate for his favor for the cleaning. He got xrays too and everything looks good, no cavities! He got to pick out some prizes afterward too. He does have one tooth that got hit this summer that is going to have to be watched for decay but other than that a great appt!

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