Tuesday, May 24, 2011

5/25/11- Maci 9 Months Old

Maci, What are you doing?

Today is Maci's 9 month birthday. Ryan said last night that with Levi milestones/time seemed to go so slow and with Maci it is flying by. Maci is an awesome little eater. She is eating all big people food now and some night eats more than her brother. She is a good napper and when she is home with me a Mama's girl. She is very predictable with her naps and eating which is good.  We just have to lay her down with her paci and blankie and she is set.I really do not remember that with Levi. She smiles and babbles alot. The other night I swore I heard her say" all done" and then the next day "hot" when she tried to take my coffee. But who knows. She can pull herself up and plop her self back down. She loves to bang her hands on the screen door and the front door. I have eternally given up on trying to keep the fingerprints away..some days I just laugh..o well. We sure love our Maci Jean and think this summer will be fun with all the new things that she will encounter and explore.

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