Monday, February 28, 2011

Maci Jean 6 months old

Here are some pictures of Maci on her 6 month birthday. She is a moving girl. She can scoot her way around on her tummy in a circle about 3-4 feet around her. She is reaching and grabbing for everything and putting everything in her mouth. She is also being much more vocal with her noises, making buster noises as Levi calls it.She loves eating baby food now and she loves most everything except green beans.That is the only time you will really hear her scream is when she is hungry and wants food. NOW! Maci still loves her bottle and will take 6 oz or so at a time depending on how much baby food she has eaten. Maci also is sleeping through the night if she does wake is just needs help finding her paci and then is back to sleep.Maci loves sleeping on her tummy. Usually she is to bed by 730 and up around 6. Maci also is able to sit up on her own and does pretty well unless she reaches too far for a toy and then she is down. Levi is good at making sure that she is ok where she playing and balancing her when she is sitting up.

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