Thursday, November 4, 2010

Maci is 2 months old

Our little Maci is getting so big. She is now two months old and very interactive. She knows now when she is going to get fed, she can hold onto her blankie, loves to smile and "talk" to you. She watches us move around the room and loves when Levi reads to her or "plays" with her. Both Levi and Maci are doing well at day care and go there twice a week. Levi tells me how Maci did during the day and he loves playing with his "friends" there. He also is starting to talk about going to school..saying that he wants to put his backpack on and go on the bus to school and see all his friends. Maci is starting to get a little more predictable with her sleeping and eating. But still wakes up once a night for a bottle which can be hard when having to be up at 530am for work some days. Ryan and I work well as a team and although we are both tired we drink our coffee and manage to get through those long days. Maci had her two month appointment and got her vaccines. I thought it would be easier with the second watching them get the shots but it is not. She screamed and then smiled when I picked her up. Typical Maci personality. She weighed 12 lbs 3oz and was 24.75 inches long that is 98 percentile for height and 74 percentile for weight.

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