Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Carving and Fall Walking

On Saturday, Ryan helped Levi carve his pumpkin for Halloween. Ryan did most of the carving but Levi enjoyed playing with the "slimy" seeds and putting them in a bowl. He also did some of his own carving work with a butter knife on the inside top of the pumpkin. After all the seeds were collected I seasoned some seeds in the oven for us as a snack. Levi is getting excited for Halloween and all his "dulces"..he says, "me excited to be monster". On Sunday afternoon, we spent some time at Blanford Nature Center. It was so warm we hardly needed a coat. (But of course, Levi had to wear his hat, he hardly takes it off. Who would have thought a  75 cent hat from a garage sale would be loved so much.) We took a walk and looked at all the fall colors. Earlier this week, Levi and I collected leaves in our neighboorhood and hung them on our window. We have gone to Blandford a couple of times before as a family and we have Levi look for animals (using his quiet feet) :) usually we see birds, chipmunks, ducks, squirrels but today we saw two deer. Maci loves being in her pack and the times we have been there this year she has just slept on our walks. Levi also likes seeing the injured animals that they have there but today it started to rain so we had to end our walk early. But there is always next Sunday afternooon. :)

1 comment:

Steve and Allison Alles said...

Levi is looking so grown up Er! Glad you had a nice weekend!