Saturday, August 28, 2010

Maci Jean Koopmans

We welcomed Maci into our family on August 25, 2010. She came into this world at a fast pace and I had a great labor experience.I was induced at 3am and had her by 1038in the morning.I only had to push twice and went from 5cm to 10 cm in one hour! No other complications after delievery either..for which we were concerned about placental problems but everything was fine.I was able to pull Maci out and put her on my chest after the delievery and Ryan cut the cord. We are thankful for such a problem free and uncomplicated birth. Maci weighed 8lbs and 6 oz and was 21 inches long. We loved the surprise of not knowing what we were having until the moment she came out. Its a girl! She is being a good baby so far and Levi is adapting pretty well to the new addition to the house. He is very helpful in getting pacifers, diapers and "dressing" Maci. He knows how to be gentle but still likes to "honk" her nose. Levi is so helpful that they other morning he wanted to help me use the breastpump...what a sweetheart...I did show him how to turn it on.

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