Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Levi Theodore is 2 Years Old

It is hard to believe that this week Levi turned two. In a way, it seems so long ago that he was such a little baby. One thing that has not changed is that he is still our special little boy. He has grown up so much in the last year and is definitely starting to act like a two year old. However, he still is such a little lover boy, and loves to cuddle with "baby" and his mom and dad. He is such a helper to us. Most of the time, anyway. He helps with cleaning, laundry and yard work and emptying the dishwasher. He loves to "work" and likes toys and things a certain way and to be organized. For example, he can put his DVD in the player but the doors to the entertainment center have to be shut before starting it, he needs his shoes and/or coat off when he comes inside and will tell us to do that too. He puts his toys away in the garage before coming into the house. He loves routines and running errands with his "muthers" which I do not think is uncommon for a typical two year old.He usually is well behaved saying "hi" to all the people and eating his snacks and drink. He is starting to sing with us at night which is so precious..he will say "sing songs now". Here are some of his other loves, hates and phrases.

"monsters" trucks
playing outside in the sand or dirt
playing downstairs with the train set with Dada
coloring with chalk
playing ball with dada
read books or "check books" aka go tot the library
cleaning when mom does with his "sprayer"
pushing his shopping cart
playing with his lawn mower
ride his tricyle inside
putting on lotion after his bath..."Levi do"
watching "tooners" in the morning
Tomas the Train
construction trucks
birds..especially the mama and baby we have in our yard, he looks for them each morning

big dogs
loud noises
his "Big Boy bed".."scary"
hang nails
getting his hair rinsed in the bath tub
sometimes sharing his toys

Some Foods he Likes:
all fruit
fruit snacks
"cook cooks" cookies
"chicken" what he calls all meat
honey on rolls

Some Sayings:
don't like that
stop it mama, dada
Levi do
play now
car bath...aka car wash
get gas
check books
all right?
time to eat
take bath
brush teeth

We love you Levi!

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