Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

A few weeks ago in the Home and Garden section of the Sunday edition of The Grand Rapids Press, an article about gardening perked my interest. I started reading sections of the article out loud to Ryan(by the way, one of his pet peeves) and he too seemed interested in trying out the concept of square foot gardening.
I checked this website out www.squarefootgardening.com also here is the article from the Press:

I have never had or tried to garden before so this is all a learning process. But hopefully, a worthwhile one. I have always thought it would be nice to be able to have a garden and pick the veggies from your backyard and not the store. So, Ryan, Levi and I all went to Home Depot to get our supplies and seeds. We actually did a 2x8 foot garden and I picked out the veggies to try for each square. Ryan built the box in our backyard and I planted. We will not see anything for a month or so but Levi and I will keep watering and watching for our plants to grow.We will have to see. I will post some pictures later this summer with hopefully a more mature and ready to harvest garden.

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