Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring break with Levi has been quite fun for me. He is always wanting to go bye-bye and knows where he is going before we get there. He has been to Chippy's house on multiple occasions and even wanted to "check books" two days in a row at the library. On this day, mamma was "workin" so we went to the critter barn. Levi liked all the little animals, like the ducks and the kittens, but didnt really want to be near the goats or horses. We watched this man give the sheep a hair cut. Levi kept saying "blankie on" because that what happens when he gets his hair cut. When we were looking at the horse, Levi kept saying, dada ride it. Eat burger. i wasnt sure what he meant by eat burger, but we went to Burger king on the way home and he was all excited, and then ate nothing.