Monday, February 15, 2010

Levi's Soup for a Cold Day

Today I made cookies and Levi, my little helper. His phrase to say is "help me" when he wants to help someone else. Ironic, since most times he really is not "helping me." He gets his little step stool and carries it over to where all the action is. He is getting better at pouring the ingredients in the bowl and he loves stirring the dough. The egg cracking...although he loves that part, he needs more practice on. After we get the cookies baking in the oven and while I am cleaning up, I set Levi up to make his "soup" as he would call it. I give him a bowl with a little bit of water and some dish soap and he stirs and stirs. I set out all sorts of random things and he adds and stirs. He has not tasted his soup which is probably a good thing. Today's soup of the day was the following: dish soap and water, Mrs. Dash, honey, salt, sugar, pepper, baking soda, flour, egg shells, peanut butter, and my favorite, old hard marshmallows. Levi has such fun doing this and seems so proud that he can make his own "soup".


Liz said...

I really think that is such a cute idea. I'll have to try it with Grant one of these days:)

Sara said...

I'm sure Levi loves that! :) Too cute!
Is baking cookies a pregnancy thing?!? I did it all the time when I was pregnant. Maybe it's just a good excuse to eat all the cookies! YUM!