Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Few Warm Fall Days

Here are some pictures that I took in the last couple of weeks when it was warm enough to get outside. Usually, Levi wants to go "side" with "shoosh on" even if it cold and we do. We go for a walk or play in the park. But when it was warm out last week we spent a good hour and a half outside. He loves being outside and has since he was a newborn. He picks up sticks and rocks and looks at all the "bees" every bug now is a bee. He will dig in the "dirt" or wood chips and I will sit and watch him. How can he be so into rocks, woodchips and leaves..pretty cool. Two weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon, we went as a family to Richmond Park to feed the ducks...Levi loves "ducks" although when we got there he would not throw them any bread or stand on the ground..he was taking in all in. One morning last week, I made pumpkin bread and Levi "helped". He like crushing the egg shells, pouring the flour and banging all the measuring cups together...what a little helper he tries to be!
If you notice most of the pictures he is looking down..he is just to busy
for the camera.