Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another Camping Attempt

Well, I guess it is not our luck with camping this year.Every year we go camping at Ludington State Park with the Roedema family. We took Levi when he was 3 months old last year.So as tradition we went camping to Ludington State Park this past Thursday to Friday. We had intended to go all weekend. But how much fun is rain, mud, clouds and 50-60 a tent. We did enjoy Thursday night. It was a great night for a camp fire. Again, Levi was very intent on fighting us to go to sleep. Finally, after many which every male was dada, and every campfire was "hot" and pointing at all the doggies and bikes..he collapsed..only 2 1/2 hours later than usual.This sleeping thing also could be related to him getting his molars! He was all dressed for the low night time temps and slept realitivly well in his pack n play in our tent. He loved just playing around the camp in the "dirt". Ryan and I did have time to walk on Lost Lake ourselves! While Grandpa and Grandma Roedema spent time with Levi. Next year has got to be the year for camping and good weather..don't you think?


Steve and Allison Alles said...

Nice model pose on the log, Er.

Fischer Family said...

What a bummer of a summer for camping! We canceled our trip a few weeks back. What does this mean for winter if we are wearing our winter clothes in August??? Cute pictures though.