Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Levi's World

The world of Levi is getting bigger. He is now 9 months old and as happy and busy as ever. He loves exploring and find things that he should not be getting into. He loves purfume bottles, wires, candle wax and buttons on the computer. He can crawl on all fours now and can pull himself up from sitting to standing.We have had a few accidents...of bumping his head and falling off our bed.. I love seeing him in the morning smiling and standing in his crib. He is such a big boy! Lately, he loves "riding" on his car. Ryan will put him on his push car and go around and around the couch...he screams in laughter. I will hide behind the couch or in another room and they will come find me on the car...he loves this game! He loves eating and is enjoying trying all sorts of food. He like pickles, olives and like his dad, this Sunday had roast beef and liked that too. Levi gets frustrated we he can not feed himself so he really does not eat that much baby food. We started him on a different formula too. It is a transitional formula for older babies that his doctor recommended so that we can ease him from lactose free formula, to this,a soy based formula and hopefully he will not have problem in a couple of months with real milk. He has been trying to wave bye-bye and give hugs and kisses on occassion...he is such a sweet heart. Ryan and I both enjoy coming home from work and seeing his face light up.

1 comment:

Steve and Allison Alles said...

Oh Er, he is so cute. Great pic in the bathtub!