Sunday, January 25, 2009

Levi is getting so big!

Helping mommy make dinner

Keeping Levi occupied.... while trying to make dinner

Trying on Daddy's snowboard boots

Our little boy is growing up and growing fast.These days he is currently doing the army comando crawl. He is really close to of these days I will turn around and he will be doing it. He loves to babble and sing...he says da da daaaa and clicks his tounge. His two bottom teeth have erupted and do not seem to bother him right now. Levi is fasinated with the smallest of things from a crumb or piece of paper on the carpet, strings on our clothes or holes in dad's sock...he will pick or feel something with his thumb and first finger and study those little objects or pieces of fabric. He really is interacting with people and does not get worried when we least not yet. We have been grinding up our food for him to try and we really have not found anything that he does not like. He has been sleeping well during the day and the cry it out technique really was really hard at first but with consistancy when tired, he will fuss for a few mintues and will be alseep. I would have never thought 4 months ago that our son would be doing that. Enjoy the recent pictures.


Sarah said...

Erin, he is so cute. I love the picture with the snow board boots. Aren't little boys so much fun.

The Phillips said...

Erin, Levi has gotten so big since the last time Jack and I saw him. He is so, so CUTE!! You, Ryan, Jack and I (and the boys of course) need to hang out soon.