Monday, September 15, 2008

Hi Ho..Hi Ho...Its back to work I go

First morning back to work

This past week I headed back to work part-time at Metro Health Hospital as an R.N. working in the special care newborn nursery and postpartum. I am working two 12 hour days a week. Ryan and I found out that the days that I am working are going to be early and long for both of us. I have to be at work at 6:45am so I am usually out of the house by 6am meaning Ryan and I both have to be up at around 5:30am to get ready and to get Levi ready so that Ryan can drop him off at Grandma's and then head to school. I usually get home at 8pm so when I get home it is bath time for Levi/suppertime/catchup with Ryan time/and then bedtime for all of us. This past week I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday(this will happen every 3 weeks). So, Ryan and Levi spent alot of time together this weekend.I am so proud of Ryan and how he is taking care of Levi on these 12 hour days.He is such a great dad.Levi did spend time at both Grandma's houses too so that Ryan could work on some school work for his masters class. On Sunday, Ryan took Levi to church and as a special surprise brought Levi up to the hospital to visit with Mom for awhile. We spent some time meeting my coworkers and then headed to the cafeteria for lunch...what a good time to spend with both my boys. Of course, on Sunday afternoon Ryan and Levi watched the Lions...lose again. I am glad to be back working. I feel like it is a good fit for me...spending time helping others and with friends at work, and being home and raising our son. I am grateful for the balance of work and home that my job provides. We are blessed.

Surprise visit at work from Dad and Levi


Steve and Allison Alles said...

Thanks for updating your blog Er! Keep the pictures of Levi (and of course you and Ryan too) coming!

Sarah said...

You look way cuter than I'd look going to work that early in the morning:) I'm so glad that you are so happy. I hope to see you soon.