Friday, August 15, 2008

2 months old

Levi has so many faces that can change in an instant!

Here are some recent pictures of Levi. He is doing so much better the last couple of weeks. Sleeping alot better and through the night from around 9 pm to 5:45am or so..yeah! His fussiness is much improved. Ryan and I took him to the doctor on Monday for his 2 month check up and he is in the 90th % for height and 50% for weight. His current weight is 11lbs 110z. He also got his was nice because Ryan was able to come and help out afterwards. We are still working on rolling over...he does not like his tummy time. I am enjoying these last couple of weeks of maternity leave. I will be starting back to work part-time the first week of September.

1 comment:

Steve and Allison Alles said...

He is the cutest..even when he cries