Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When I grow up...

I just had to capture this the other day...Maci on the stool in the bathroom putting on chapstick, brushing her hair and looking so cute. I had a little moment about her getting bigger and then for a moment trying to treasure that just that little piece of time of her trying to be like her Mama.

These are the days...

Love to snuggle in the morning and as Maci says, "watch show"

Playing outside with bubbles and in the sandbox

We have been having a busy but fun time over here at the Koopmans house. This Spring has had awesome weather and record temps. We have enjoyed getting outside walking in the morning, going to the zoo, park and having picnics. Levi is such a helper and enjoys riding his bike, helping daddy in the garage and me in the kitchen. He loves reading books and playing Legos...except when Maci gets involved.Every morning we he gets up he wants to know..what are we going to do today or where we are going. Maci Jean is a spirited 18 month old that is saying and stating her Independence more each day. She loves to follow Levi and " I do" is her favorite statement, from brushing her teeth, "wash hands" put shoes, and trying to cut up food, you name it she attempts it. She likes playing prettys with her jewelry and love babies...feeding her dolls and acting like a little mama. She will be a great big sister. Levi and Maci love to play Mama and Dada together. Levi will hold on to Maci's hand and they go from room to room pretending, shopping or using the dolls.